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Zbigniew J. Boczek - graduate of Szczecin Technical University. Professional career since 1975: the manager of technical and investment department in the Association of Cooperatives, the manager of construction and interior architecture design company, production manager of Construction Corporation, Managing Director of Repair-Construction Company, Technical Director of Szczecin Technical University, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Cooperative Bank and Vice Chairman of Supervisory Board of Regional Bank. Advisor for the Economics and Ownership Transformations to the Szczecin Province Regional Parliament Chairman (1996-1998).
Property expert valuer (licence No 526 from the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Building Industry). Official entitlement (24/Sz/76) for the professional evaluation of the investments execution and independent handling of technical-organisational issues in the building industry. Member of the Polish Association of Civil Engineers. Independent expert – consulting engineer of the Association of the Engineering Consultants and Experts – Polish membership organisation of International Federation of Engineering Consultants (FIDIC) and the European Federation of Engineering Consulting Associations (EFCA) with the professional experience in the international tender procedures and the execution of investments pursuant to the procedures of FIDIC, the World Bank and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development. Financial advisor. Member of the Financial Advisors Association. Member of the Project Management Polska Association and the International Project Management Association. Member of the Scientific Society.
The lecturer at the postgraduate studies “Real Estate Market” of the Szczecin University (1996-1998). Western Pomeranian Business School and Main School of Farming (since 1998). The author of publications: “Valuation of Real Estate and Enterprises” 1995, Cost effectiveness of investing in real estate and enterprises” 1996, “Real Estate Valuation in Market Economy” 1998, “Real Estate Valuation – 2000 edition”. The author of 16 publications and 12 lectures on the enterprise appraisal and evaluation, valuation of machinery and equipment, economic-financial issues, the principles of real estate market operation, FIDIC procedures in the building industry.
Since 1983 the owner of CIVILENG Korporacja Majątkowa – engineering consulting company acting as: Consulting Agency, Independent Engineering Consultants and Advisors, Real Estate and Enterprise Valuation Office, Civil Engineering Expertise Office.
The CIVILENG activities are run according to the principles of independence and impartiality. We offer investment, organisational, economic and legal consultancy for the execution of specific projects. Our chief asset is the experience gained throughout many years of working at the execution of various projects and with numerous customers. We represent a high level of professional ethics, and we have excellent professional skills and large experience. The valuer’s activities and those of independent expert, advisor or consultant are carried out in accordance with the licence held, professional experience and we shall be personally liable for our decisions.
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Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów Doradców i Rzeczoznawców - Polska Organizacja Członkowska (FIDIC) Międzynarodowa Federacja Inżynierów Konsultantów Europejska Federacja Stowarzyszeń Konsultingu Inżynierskiego Stowarzyszenie Ekspertów Finansowych Polska Federacja Stowarzyszeń Rzeczoznawców Majątkowych Towarzystwo Naukowe Nieruchomości Polski Związek Inżynierów i Techników Budownictwa
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